Register for Dance to Deliver 2025! Early Bird Rate available until June 1st.
Visit our conference website for more info! |
Register for IGNITED: L.I.T. on FIRE (Liturgical Instructional Training) . This program consists of five 3 hour sessions to help prepare liturgical dancers to be more effective in their ministry.
Unifying Worshippers around the WorldUnifying dancers and worshippers nationally and internationally, supporting liturgical dance gatherings and collaborating with other worship artists in our regions.
Educating Worship ArtistsEducating & training dancers, psalmists, musicians and other artists for ministry in technique and biblical foundations through Study, Conferences & Workshops, emphasizing the Power of Prayer, Praise, Worship & Spiritual Warfare.
Evangelizing Through OutreachSpreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Outreach Programs & other Ministry Opportunities inside and outside of the church.